Oh, hey.
Remember me?
Yeah, I went AWOL for a bit.
But I am back and have absolutely nothing exciting to share with you in my absence.
Basically I spent a week sick and stressed (I have IBS so basically any form of stress makes me sick and when I get sick, I get stressed so it's a pretty vicious cycle) because I had an internship that totally blew balls and then I lost the internship because they totally were not licensed to host MSW interns and then my school didn't know what to do with me and was like "Oopsie" and I was internship-less and stressed and annoyed and angry at the world.
BUT then my job totally stepped in and agreed to take me on as an intern in a totally different capacity and I could not love it more. I already have my first client for therapy who is Spanish speaking so I get to practice my Spanish and I already know everyone at my agency so it was a pretty easy, breezy transition. And I am beyond happy because I can basically disappear for a few hours and no one seems to notice and there is a Dollar Tree down the street and you know I go there at least once a day.
So now I basically live and breathe domestic violence. No joke. Like today for instance. I interned 9-4 and spent some time at the district court watching people sob as they filled out restraining orders and then judges being complete assholes, then I headed to work where I'll be from 6 pm to 7 am and then back to my internship for 9 am.
2 more years til graduation.
I also have been making YouTube videos of my conquests at Dollar Trees. They are super embarrassing videos and I pray to God no future employer ever finds them but they give me an indescribable amount of joy and it's a totally weird habit to have, but whatever at least I'm not addicted to coke or whatever.
So that's what has been going on in my life. I basically work 6 days a week, am in school one day a week and uploading shit videos on YouTube in whatever rare free time I do have. That my friends, is called time management.
So I miss you guys and will try to get my ass updated on all your lives and respond to emails and be that blogger stalker friend you all know and love.